Candid Conversations with Shaun Pianta

"If I can do it, Anyone can" | atWork Australia Client Raymond - Ep 018

atWork Australia
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00:00 | 28:21

Welcome to another episode of Candid Conversations with Shaun Pianta.

Todays guest is atWork Australia client, Raymond, is a proud Indigenous man who is very passionate about his work in the Aged Care industry.

Raymond has worked a variety of jobs through out his life, but his true passion lies with supporting others.

In 2021 he was diagnosed with a rare eye disease and within months he was forced to resign from his job, handed in his driver’s licence and had to re-evaluate his employment future. As Raymond adjusted to life with his health barrier and with the support of atWork Australia and a supportive employer he has returned to the job he loves.

Today, October 10th marks World Sight Day. A day bringing attention to blindness and vision impairment. Raymond and host, Shaun, both live with vision impairments and were able to relate to each other as they share experiences of how they adjusted to life with their disability. They share insight into their lives and their vision impairments. 


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Additional Resources & Support

Ask Izzy - ⁠⁠

Job Access -

Guide Dogs Australia -

This podcast is hosted, edited and coordinated by Shaun Pianta, Lina Martini and Sam Macfarlane.